Posted on Monday 08 December
As a children's yoga teacher, and meditation and mindfulness instructor I am well aware of the benefits that these techniques can bring to adults and children alike. I'm currently in discussion with a couple of schools regarding using yoga and mindfulness, either during the school day of as an after school club. I am very keen to look at more venues, and work with existing groups.
Head on over to the Facebook page to see the kind of things that inspire me, what goes on in the classes and get a flavour of
Yoga and mindfulness for girls 11-15
Tuesdays in term time , 5-6pm, £7 to try then booked per half term
Contact Jane about this class >Yoga and mindfulness for girls 11-15
Tuesdays in term time, 6.30-7.30, £7 per class paid in advance per half term
Contact Jane about this class >